IMPORTANT - Please make sure that you download all photos that you need. We keep the photos in your library for 30 days.

To make your selection of pictures for MLS and/or brochures, please sign in (located on the top right corner) using your assigned username and password.

Select the desired property. There are 2 methods for choosing the photos.

To choose a photo, click on the empty box in the lower left hand corner of the thumbnail. The number of pictures that you have chosen is shown on the top of the page. If you wish to remove a picture from your selection, click the box in which you have placed a check mark.

Another way to choose your photos with a larger image is done by clicking on the picture. The gallery of photos now appears on the left of the screen. The image is much larger on the right. To choose that photo, click on the empty box below the photo to the left.

After completing the choosing of your photos, click on "Please Process All Selected Photos" at the bottom of the thumbnail page.

At anytime you are able to save your photos in two formats. MLS and High Res. If a photo is needed for advertising purposes, click on the small disk icon that is to the right of the one that has MLS on it. The one that has MLS written on it will download that photo in the proper format for your listing.